Powder Topping Creams

Cream Chantilly

UFI has a long history and an in depth experience in this product. Having a balanced recipe is challenging since there is always a trade-off between over run, stiffness, and mouth feel.

Over run is the main assessment tool for cost in use and that’s why we focus on the number of Kilograms needed to fill your whipping machine.

Stiffness and structure, make life easier for our chefs. With our stiff structure and heat resistance, our cream can be used for complex decorations and sustain their shape on the final display even in warm working environments like that of The Middle East and African region.

Mouth feel is the final assessment ground by the customer and we have succeeded to make it rich.

We have created this balance in each of our products fitting different economic conditions.

UFI offers a unique range of Powder Topping Creams that can sustain stiff structure in high temperatures with high yield.

1KG powder Topping + Sugar +Water 14 liters of Whipped Cream

General Benefits

  • High yield / 1 kg of Powder =14 liters of cream.
  • The Whipped cream can be used directly for decoration after whipping , no need to chill before use.
  • Can be rewhipped and used after 24 hours which gives flexibility and reduces slake.
  • Gives a very stiff structure that is resistant to high temperatures , allowing long distance transportation and energy saving.
  • Cream can stay for 48 hours with the same texture after decoration in room temperature 25C.
  • We offer over 5 types of powder toppings that can almost fit every possible working and economic conditions.
  • All grades are available in Sugar free and added sugar form.

60 Liters whipping Bowl
3 Kg of Powder topping
2 Kg of Sugar
6 liters of cold water

40 Liters whipping Bowl
1.5 Kg of Powder topping
1 Kg of Sugar
3 liters of cold water

30 Liters whipping Bowl
1 Kg of Powder topping
700 gm of Sugar
2 liters of cold water

20 Liters whipping Bowl
0.5 Kg of Powder topping
350 gm of Sugar
1 liter of cold water

Check Our Video


Recipe for 1 KG of Sugar Free Cream
ItemChilled WaterSuger
Richi Top2.5 Liters600 GM
United Cream2.5 Liters600 GM
Hyper Top2 Liters600 GM
Primo Top2 Liters600 GM
Alfa2 Liters600 GM


Recipe for 1 KG of Sugar Free Cream
ItemChilled Water
Richi Top2 Liters
United Cream2 Liters
Hyper Top1.7 Liters
Primo Top1.7 Liters
Alfa1.7 Liters

25 /10 KG paper bags

Container Loads

ItemProductUnits / PalletsPallets weight20 FCL (10 Pallets)
Palletized Unpalletized
40 FCL (20 Pallets)
Palletized Unpalletized
Sugar Free Toppings25 kg Paper bags
10 kg Paper bags
40 Bags
100 Bags
1,000 kg10 MT – 14 MT20 MT – 25 MT
Added Sugar Toppings25 kg Paper bags
10 kg Paper bags
40 Bags
100 Bags
1,000 kg10 MT – 14 MT20 MT – 25 MT